There have been so many trustees over the trust’s 25 year history, all of which have played an important part in the development of the hall.

The trust has always had the same vision, and this, underpinned by its constitution, it’s regular monthly management meetings, some of which are open to the public, it’s business plan, it’s choice of appropriate trustees and it’s professional yet creative approach, has brought this vision even closer to the heart of Flimwell’s community.

FVH Committee Hall Management

• Flimwell Village Hall Trust is a Charity.
• Committee Members (see below) are Trustees of the Charity.
• Hall management is exercised by the Committee by appointing officers (e.g Chairperson) and holding meetings as required.
• All local residents are Members, those named below have volunteered to be representative. Members can hold the Committee to account at the AGM held each year.

Representative Members

Elena Poimenidou

Committee Members

Donna Stephenson – Chair

Peter Player – Treasurer

Lou Redknap – Secretary

Neil Landridge – Trustee

Lyndsey Barrow – Trustee