The Village Hall has been a long time coming, the idea having initially been conceived by Alan Hughes in 1994.

The ambition of the village hall was to provide a community hub that is needed.

The previous communal hub we had to enjoy was the village shop, successfully run by Christine and later on by Hilary, which was closed in 2014.

The new village hall was completed in 2020 and following Covid restrictions changing has now a regular sessions and classed booked in as well as being utilised for parties and group meetings.

The work by the trustees, of which there have been many, has been responsible for this success of having the hall ready for use. Building and planning matters, marketing, finance and many more managerial matters have always been handled with total professionalism. And there other valued volunteers, who have been instrumental in fundraising and arranging key events. And Quantum, the developers have also been so helpful and supportive. A big thank you to them.

We are also are very grateful to the Ticehurst Parish Council, in particular to Frankie Nowne, who has been to instrumental in amalgamating the parish council to the trust.

We recently added to sound panels to the hall to help which has gone down well with our customers who use the hall.